note: this is an INSPIRED item, not original neither it is an exact replica
one designer inspired updates after another, babes!
what caught our eyes on this handbag is the beautiful structure of the leather. intriguing as it is the leather is shaped in a diagonal pattern and it's absolutely gorgeous!
love how the handbag has a slouchy shape to it that makes any hobo have that extra edge compared to the rest out there
surprisingly lightweight BUT extra roomy in size, that's how we like our bag made of right?
not forgetting the bold gold finishings on the handles and the top zip closure....really gets us excited just describing it,already..just imagine if you could just get your hands on this baby!
oh..one more thing..the white pipping details really make this lovely a stand out in the crowd
*dark brown*
*meticulous white stitching*
*bold gold finishings*
*white piping details*
*fully patterned lined, handphone and zipped compartment inside*
RM 75
[BS 74]
Material: Superb Soft Faux Leather
18" x 4" x 16" (excluding height of straps)
height from top of bag til straps 9"
length of straps 15"
Colors: Black [SOLD OUT], Dark Brown [SOLD OUT], Tan [SOLD OUT]
Status: Available in Limited Stocks!
postage fee: RM 8 for WM and RM 10 for EM
mail us at
or for faster transaction,text us at
012 393 2118
(not at ungodly hours,aight? =P)
note: this is an INSPIRED item, not original neither it is an exact replica
one designer inspired updates after another, babes!
what caught our eyes on this handbag is the beautiful structure of the leather. intriguing as it is the leather is shaped in a diagonal pattern and it's absolutely gorgeous!
love how the handbag has a slouchy shape to it that makes any hobo have that extra edge compared to the rest out there
surprisingly lightweight BUT extra roomy in size, that's how we like our bag made of right?
not forgetting the bold gold finishings on the handles and the top zip closure....really gets us excited just describing it,already..just imagine if you could just get your hands on this baby!
oh..one more thing..the white pipping details really make this lovely a stand out in the crowd
*dark brown*
*meticulous white stitching*
*bold gold finishings*
*white piping details*
*fully patterned lined, handphone and zipped compartment inside*
RM 75
[BS 74]
Material: Superb Soft Faux Leather
18" x 4" x 16" (excluding height of straps)
height from top of bag til straps 9"
length of straps 15"
Colors: Black [SOLD OUT], Dark Brown [SOLD OUT], Tan [SOLD OUT]
Status: Available in Limited Stocks!
postage fee: RM 8 for WM and RM 10 for EM
mail us at
or for faster transaction,text us at
012 393 2118
(not at ungodly hours,aight? =P)